Monday, January 03, 2005

Efficiency of Aeration System

Efficiency of Aeration System

The efficiency of aeration systems can be measured in different ways. Different aeration system have different efficiency. The exact efficiency of an aeration system is very dependent on the circumstances under which it is measured such as liquid depth, density of diffuser, energy level in the tank, etc. Below is a table of the efficiency of various aeration system adapted to give values in kilowatt-hour per kilogram of oxygen adapted from the table give by Environmental Dynamics In. (Energy Consumption and Typical Performance of Various Types of Aeration Equipment)

Aeration SystemkWh/kg
Mechanical Aeration Systems
Brush aerators surface aeration0.47-0.66
Slow speed surface0.47-0.55
High speed splash surface aeration0.51-0.66
Induced surface aeration1.10-1.64
Combination Systems
Submerged turbine0.66-1.10
Jets (pumps with compressors)0.47-0.82
Diffused Aeration, Coarse Bubble
Static tubes0.47-0.82
Wide band grid0.47-0.66
Misc. coarse bubble0.47-0.82
Diffused Aeration, Fine Pore
Ceramic disc or ceramic dome grid0.23-0.33
Flexible membrane disc0.23-0.41
Advanced Technology membrane0.14

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